

Although schooling is compulsory in Pakistan for kids aged 5 to 16, it is not as accessible as it could be. Nearly 22.7 million children are unable to access education in Pakistan. Girls are excluded from school at even higher rates than boys. According to Human Rights Watch, 31% of girls are not able to go to primary school compared to 21% of boys.

With a wide variety of services — such as vocational centers, scholarships and even health centers — VIP is changing the educational system in the most impoverished areas. VIP group provides services to both boys and girls but recognizes where the biggest change needs to happen — women’s education.

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VIP Group has been at the forefront of the Apparel and Manufacturing industry in Pakistan. The group today caters to different parts of the garment industry. Our Strategic Business Units manufacture and export Leather Garments, PU Garments, Leather Gloves, Motor Bike Suits and accessories, Textile Garments, and Sportswear.

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